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How Julia Child and Tim Keller Schooled Me In Femininity
True womanhood runs deeper than our girly-girl stereotypes. (Thank God!)
C.S. Lewis's Pen Pal, Kathy Keller
Keller's childhood correspondence with the revered author led her to Christian faith.
Tim Keller Defends Doug Birdsall, 'Perplexed and Grieved' over Bible Society Firing
(UPDATED) American Bible Society tells Keller, Leighton Ford, Skip Ryan and others not to disrespect either side.
Fox News’ Highly Reluctant Jesus Follower
Of all people surprised that I became an evangelical Christian, I'm the most surprised.
The Shepherd
Michael Cromartie is guiding media elites into a more accurate view of conservative Christians.
Why Tim Keller Wants You to Stay in That Job You Hate
The Redeemer pastor explains how he ministers to laypeople facing career confusion.
Andy Crouch and Gabe Lyons Define the Common Good
And discuss how Christians can revive the historically rich phrase.
Why Every City Needs a Central Park
And why more Christians are needed in urban planning.
Q & A: Tim Keller on 'The Meaning of Marriage'
Why the pastor says gender roles are changing and how the church can be more effective in promoting marriage.
Fanatics and Faithfulness
King's Cross
The Story of the World in the Life of Jesus
Tim Keller: What We Owe the Poor
The pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church says seeking justice is not optional for the person saved by grace.
American Idols
Tim Keller explains why money, sex, and power so easily capture our affections.
How to Find Your Rival Gods
Idolatry is not just a failure to obey God, it is a setting of the whole heart on something besides God.
How Tim Keller Found Manhattan
The pastor of Redeemer Church is becoming an international figure because he's a local one.
Tim Keller Reasons with America
The New York pastor explains why he's taking his ministry model on the road.
A New Kind of Urban Christian
As the city goes, so goes the culture.
Manhattan Ministry a Year Later
"As of September 2002, weddings, counseling, and courage in demand"
In the Belly of the Beast
"Christians, calling terrorist attack satanically brilliant, minister at epicenter of World Trade disaster"

Top Story June 3, 2024

Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
Against the ‘Audience Capture’ of the Church
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